Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The House to Ourselves, Almost

Well even though RG and I have been married for over two years we have never really lived in a home of our own, on our own for much of that time. When we got married her folks were staying with us. Then we had a couple of months and RG had to head over to Russia to fulfill her scholarship requirement. When she finally was able to move home in February we had a renter who I let move in while I was working in the UK so someone would be around to watch the house. We didn’t see any reason to kick him out right away figuring he wouldn’t want to stay forever anyway. So at the beginning of August he moved out and we almost had the house to ourselves again. But my sister needed a place to stay until the house she was going to live in for college was ready so she is staying with us.

But since she didn’t move all her stuff in and is just using the guest bedroom. Also a lot of the time we have one or both of my parents staying as they handle some business on the house also. Not that we mind, but having a house to ourselves is going to be new thing for us really. It will be nice to have a quite house. It will also be nice to have the driveway open for our truck. Not to mention all the stuff that will be gone from the garage and basement. So once September gets here we will be moving into a new phase of our lives. I actually think it might be a little strange as I have never lived by myself. I went from living in my folks house to an apartment with friends to my house with roommates. The short time I spent in Iowa I had roommates, and then I got married. So this will be the closest I guess I will ever get to it.

I can’t wait it will be nice to have those rooms back. Maybe I can even use one as an office, at least for now. I think RG is also excited. Not that she minds the company but I think she likes to have some time to herself to wind down and an empty house helps with that even when the people in the house are family and you like having them around. At any rate it will be nice to have the change.

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