Wednesday, August 19, 2009

DINKs again

That’s right folks Duel Income No Kids. RG and I are on the up and up again. After sending out what I can only imagine as thousands of resumes and applying on line to hundreds of companies RG started working again! As it seems things always happen she interviewed several times with no bites and then bam – she has two companies going after her - and why not she is super talented. She has some funny stories to go along with here hiring but I won’t tell those as I think she could share them in more detail as it all happened to her. That said we are certainly looking forward to the second pay check again. So now we get to figure out a new budget. Hopefully not as tight as the one we have been living with for the last six months.

So now it is pretty obvious how we could afford to buy a new TV. In fact the first 3 or so of RG’s pay checks went to paying off the credit cards and then to purchasing several things we had been wanting for a while; TV, new pots and pans, some clothes, etc. So now we have to buckle down though and start paying other things down as we still have a few loans out there. Now however we have a little more breathing room and it doesn’t seem like we are always waiting for the next check to come. In fact it is really nice because RG and I are both paid bi-weekly and on alternating weeks. So we get a paycheck every Friday. SWEET.

Of course this also means RG is going to have to start getting up early in the morning like the rest of us and she won’t be able to volunteer as much, but these are the sacrifices made with having a job. Also it means on Fridays when I work from home she will be jealous of me and want to come home early. Plus she will probably be more tired but it will still be better than what she had to put up with in Moscow! 13 hours a day from when she left her apartment to when she could get home. Hour and ½ subway rides each way plus 10 hour days. Now she has only a 12 minute drive. She can come home for lunch if she wanted.

So while we are excited about being DINKs again we do need to make sure we don’t go crazy and keep spending. In fact this should finally give us a chance to get ahead and put a little a way for a rainy day and help out some more with charity. Of course it does let us get a few nice things too!

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