Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day weekend (burgers burgers burgers)

One promise my dentist made about my plastic replacement temporary tooth, was that it would be ready for Memorial Day barbeques. Good thing too because that is about all I did all weekend. Stating with Friday night we (RB and I of course) grilled out at my house before going listen to some jazz over in St. Paul. LJ brought his new GF (new only in the sense that he didn’t introduce her to use for more than a year!) and we grilled out before meeting up with MQ and his GF. Good burgers, but I think we are getting old because instead of having chips, chips, and more chips we actually made peas, mashed taters, and bought a nice fruit salad. The jazz was good to.

Saturday AP and MP had a BBQ at their house for lunch. So after getting up and puts’n around all morning we drove over to their pad. It was fun the newly wed’s were there – unfortunately my server is acting funny and I have not been able to add any galleries to my web site so the newly wed’s photos – and some other people showed up I haven’t seen for a while. Even MN who I haven’t seen in about a year had showed and told us about sponsoring a music festival in Miami. Again I happily ate a hamburger (that is 2 in 24). There is nothing better in my mind than hanging out on a weekend afternoon with a little grill food.

After the first BBQ we head to the other side of Minneapolis for our evening BBQ! MM and JM had a small party at there house. Again MQ made a showing though his GF was at a bachelorette party. We had a good time, ran into a bunch of friends from high school, and saw TR’s baby! He is still kind of a kid but much - much more grown up than before. He actually is a very attentive father and very proud of his little girl. I had to of course ask (though I was joking) JM for reimbursement for my recent dental expenses, as it was a nut at his last party that did my poor molar in. I think he may have briefly thought I was serious, what fun. Again I happily ate a hamburger (3 in 36). After that RB and I went to see X-men 3. I didn’t think it was as good as 1 or 2 but what do I know.

Finally Sunday I had a frozen burger from Friday for lunch and Monday I again had a burger so from Friday through Monday I ate 5 hamburgers! What craziness. But what I can say is that they did a great job on my temporary plastic tooth because it met the challenge and survived to face vacation starting on Thursday!

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