Wednesday, May 31, 2006

3 2 1 Vacation…

The worst part of going on vacation is waiting for it to start; especially when you are only working two days that week and just got off a three day weekend. Was I a bit worthless right before going on vacation? I would have to say yes. I originally wanted to work from home on the Tuesday and Wednesday following Memorial weekend. My project manager however wanted me on site for at least a couple of days. This wasn’t really because I could get more done; instead it was so the client didn’t see me gone for two weeks. That’s ok with me. Though it did cost a bit of money to get out there and I had to fly out Monday afternoon so I lost a small part of my Memorial holiday. Once on site it was not really that easy to get much done. I was more interested in the coming time off than anything going on. Not to mention the first two days of the week – the only I was working – are normal less productive because of all the status meetings and updates.

Tuesday went fine. Ken my cohort in crime so to speak was not coming until Wednesday, so Tuesday I pretty much only had 1 of the 2 work streams to concentrate on. I came in around 9:00 am as no one gets in to the office until mid morning anyway. I went through the eRoom to survey the work completed the previous week. Wrote some status reports, updated some tracking documents, had a couple quick meetings with the other Deloitte Consultant on site working on the same items as myself, and had a working session with the client. All in all it was pretty typical day and I got a fair amount of work completed. I was however feeling the temptation to go online and continue to plan my trip but I was able to fight it off. MS and I started to joke toward the end of the day how worthless I was about to become. It wasn’t completely true but close.

Wednesday was the second and last work day for me before going on vacation. I had started counting down the hours to flying home the night before. So I knew I had only 9 hours to go! Ken came in late so the first hour or so was relatively unproductive. I talked up MS for a while and was going to find a place to hide when Ken got in. I spent most of the day collecting open items for the main SAP-BW work stream. We are finishing the configuration. There are still several things we need brought in, but the business doesn’t seem concerned about raising the issues they need to so they will be missing those items when we go into testing. Most of the day, I was in an absolutely crazy mood – though I was working – and ended up being slightly disruptive more often than not. I IM’d Ken at random times, kept bringing up my trip, and really had to fight hard not to get online. I did slip from time to time and check things out on the internet, but not that much. I also got a bit annoyed that they kept bring up issues that needed a lot of work to get through as I was only there for the rest of the day. One in particular is a hot button issue for the client but is going to need several discussions and major process changes and business changes that simply could not be done in a day. Why start the process when I am going to be gone for a week and half. Crazy.

The last part of the day seemed to drag forever. It reminded me of being in Middle School on the last day before spring break or summer vacation. You know when you don’t really listen to anyone and just watch the clock. The clock of course is moving slower just because you are watching it! Finally 5 O’clock came around and I was out of there. I was in no hurry but still sped to the airport. I ended up hanging out for an additional ½ hour but come on, I was pretty much useless at that point anyway!

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