Friday, June 12, 2009

Interesting visit from the police

Well I have only had maybe 3 visits from the police in my life at my home. Once when I was 19 for a party that was a little loud when I lived in an apartment in Bloomington (no citations were given we were just requested to keep it down), once when they drove by a party at my house (again no citations was just asked to keep the noise down and people inside if possible as it was getting late no complaint had been called in), and then a couple of weeks ago when we called them. The first two I think is pretty normal stuff; the last one was a little strange. I was out in the yard one Saturday with RG and I noticed what at first glance looked like a small duffel bag next to our air conditioner. I asked RG about it and she said it wasn’t there a couple of days earlier when she was working in the yard. So I picked it up, laid the tail gate to my truck down to use as a table, and preceded to see what was in the bag.

The bag actually turned out to be a green camera bag with a ton of small pockets and compartments. I looked through the external ones and found some latex gloves and wet wipes. Interesting. So I opened the main compartment. The first thing I saw was a small neoprene hard case that looked like it would be used to house a small thin digital camera. But this is not what I found in the neoprene case. Instead I found a handful of high powered rifle shells, probably for a 30-06. So at that point I figured it was better if I didn’t dig any further and took everything into the front porch.

After calling my renter to verify it was not his bag. Why he would have a small camera bag with ammunition in it in our flower garden I could not say. We decided to call the Minneapolis police and ask them to come and pick the bag up. After a 90 min or so a squad car came by and did just that. Before they left though the pulled out the rest of the contents of the bag which included some shot gun shells, some gun cleaning supplies, and a duck caller. So my guess, and that is all it is, is that some kids saw a camera bag sitting in a car or truck and took it thinking they were getting something they could easily sell. When the opened it and found what I found they decided it wasn’t worth it and dumped in my yard. People constantly walk by our house as it is on the corner so it is pretty high traffic area so I figure this is the most likely possibility.

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