Friday, May 1, 2009

Showing Appreciation

Well I have to admit that I probably use this blog to complain more than I write about positive things - mostly because it seems more entertaining. Well this post is going to be a little different. I think it is pretty positive. As I fly just about every week and get to deal with going through the airport a lot I have developed a pretty thin skin to the way most people act when they fly. I have my pet peeves but they seem to be getting less and less as I travel more and more. Most things seem not worth getting worked up over. Anyway there are always people taking up more space in the overhead than they should, or reclining fully on a regional jet so that they are in your lap or whatever. Don’t worry the positive part is coming. But what I saw on one flight from Orlando and again a flight from Memphis was truly remarkable.

Basically someone in first class gave up their seat to let a member of one of the armed services ride in more comfort out of a sense of gratitude. The first time I saw this I thought it was pretty cool and was certainly surprised but I figure it was a one of type thing. The second time I saw it happening when I was boarding thought wow people really are appreciative of what these people are doing, whether or not they agree with the decisions that put his country into the 2 wars we are fighting or not. I think it is a great thing to do. In fact I probably should have thought of it myself. Beyond this I have also been on Delta flight were the lead flight attendant publicly welcomed and thanked a serviceman in uniform that was on a flight. This is great, I think the men and women in the services deserver a lot of praise and gratitude and it is nice to see people make a point to show it.

That said I did have to laugh, one of the times this happened while the woman giving up her seat and the service man were switching in the back of the plane a man who was a standby pass came on and sat down in the first class seat the woman was giving up to the service man. Apparently the gate agent told him to take whatever open seat he could find. So he saw one in first class. No big deal, but when the man in the next seat to him what was going on he did not get up to move. I don’t know what he was thinking; he just kept hanging out in first class. I took the flight attendants asking him not once, not twice, but three times to get a move on. What a putz. But in the end he moved to an open seat in back and the service man got the seat up front. But it was an interesting scene to watch. I thought that guy that tried to take the seat was going to get lynched.

1 comment:

ruzik said...

maybe someday you can show the same kind of gratitude and fly in coach so somebody from the armed forces can enjoy a flight in First fly First too much anyway :) and if you did that...maybe i would give you less grief about it :)