Friday, March 6, 2009

Bull Dog

At some point in the not so far off future I would like to get a dog. I’m really not sure what kind of dog. But I was thinking Bull Dog. Everything I have read about them is positive when it comes to training, disposition, and general characteristics. They are ugly. I know this. But I think they are so ugly they are pretty cool looking actually. So I thought it would be fun to get one. The wife though seems opposed to a bull dog. I don’t know why. Her sister also seems to have something against these lovable scamps. So I guess it is back to the drawing board.

My favorite dog growing up was a sheltie. But ours was a bit of a freak he was nearly 30% larger than they are supposed to grow and ran like a grey hound. No joke. When we had him at my grandma’s farm he would run alongside of cars down the 1 mile drive way. We clocked him one time around 30 mph! Amazing. The only problem with shelties is that they need a lot of grooming and they sometimes can bark a lot. So that may be a pain.

Another option I thought of was a Jack Russell Terrier. A good friend had one when I was in high school and it was a cool dog. But I think it was an exception. The reading I have done lately says they can be a bit high strung. I want a pretty laid back, medium sized dog. I certainly don’t want something that looks like a rat or is only 4 inches tall. I still circle back to Bull Dog. Of course I don’t want to pay for a pure bread so chances are we will just go to a shelter or last chance and adopt a mutt. Who knows maybe we will get lucky.

1 comment:

ruzik said...

i love mutts, i am totally for it, and we won't need any luck, the one we will get will be perfect!!! i just know it!!!!