Monday, December 29, 2008

Grumpy for the Holidays

Well it was nice to be home this year for the holidays. I had only been home for a matter of days though before people started to come and stay at my house and I must admit I was a bit of a grump. It really had nothing to do with my family coming to stay at my house. I like a full house, even if I’m really not sure how to entertain everyone. No I was grumpy more because of the family that was not there, specifically my wife. Who is still in Russia do to some fun Gov’t requirements. Hopefully that will end soon and she will be home. However in this final stages I am feeling quite some pressure. We still have a number of fees to pay, airline tickets to buy, and other in-law obligations that are pushing our finances and more importantly our wits to the edge. So I will admit I can be moody. On top of this the roof of my 3 season porch decided to leak and I got to deal with that the weak of Christmas. Plus it is slow at work, normally I am so involved in work only the big items at home get my attention but now I have the time to dwell on what is going on and I am not sure that is a good thing.

So I feel a little bad that I wasn’t the happiest host. Of course I enjoyed having my parents and sister staying with me. I just wasn’t in a good mood in general. We did all the normal Christmas trappings. Opened presents, had a nice dinner (and left overs for the next week), watched some movies, and played some games. It was nice that they came but I think it will be easier when RG comes home and is able to help with the host thing. She is much better than I am about worrying about things around the house and taking care of guests. I just kinda say high, help with the bags, and then let guests fend for themselves. Of course normally I don’t mope around the house as much, or spend so much time on the computer chatting to Russia.

That said I should also mention that I bought a fake tree. Normally I try to buy a tree from the Boy Scouts to help send a kid to camp but this year I didn’t have time to get to the lot and Target was running such a sale I couldn’t pass it up. The fake tree cost me about the same as a real one but should last at least 5 years if not more. I was the same height as I normally get so I had enough trimmings and such to decorate it. One problem though is the Christmas star that I use to top the tree. It is too heavy for the very bendable branches of the tree. I tried everything, using several branches, folding a branch over, balancing the star, etc nothing worked. So I left the star cocked very much to one side. Oh well. Next year I think I will tape a wood dowel to the trunk to support the star.

My parents and sister head out west pretty much right after christmans – I would guess they were sick of dealing with a grumpy me – and I spent New Year’s at an old friend’s house; he threw a small party of maybe 10 people. It was actually very enjoyable. I drank a little bit of vodka and socialized with people I haven’t been able to see enough as I was out of the country. Of course this holiday was also bittersweet as I had to call internationally to wish my wife a Happy New Year and I had no one to kiss. However the promise of the New Year is that she will return to me shortly and we can get back to the business of living our life, though in all honesty the last year has been quite exciting for us to travel the world. But it will be nice to try living at a somewhat normal pace.

My apologies to anyone that had to deal with my grumpiness!

1 comment:

ruzik said...

don't be grumpy! btw, the star on the tree still makes me laugh pretty hard :) so, even though you were not successful at making it straight, you were successful at keeping me laughing for quite some time and you weren't even here :) so, i say next year we are going to spend like 30 minutes trying to make it straight but at the end will just let the star hang crooked :) it adds character to the tree, and it kind of fits into our family :)