Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mmm mmm mmm

Does anyone remember that Crash Test Dummies song about a kid with white hair and all that jazz. The guy sang in a baritone that was really over the top. Just wondering, that isn’t what this entry is about I just thought I would bring it up, I mean really how can you name a song MMM MMM MMM? No this entry is about something much more exciting. The string of home cooked meals I have had over the last month and ½. More home cooking than I have received in the last decade since I moved out of my parent’s house. Truthfully I can cook, and cook well, but when I am left to my own devices I tend to stick to finger food. Sandwiches, wraps, cereals, oatmeal, and microwave meals. On occasion I might have a BBQ and on very extreme occasions I may have even cooked a whole meal. These were the exceptions well beyond the rule.

So the last month and a half has certain been a change, and a good one at that. Though it will soon be over it is nice to come home to a fresh cooked dinner. RG though she once told my parent that she “Doesn’t Do Cooking” has a natural knack for it. I think having a hundred little steps to accomplish in a tight time line in the right order actually appeals to her nature. The same things that make so good at supply chain work in large business, though this connection may be a stretch. She also likes variety and is not scared to experiment. Both things I think are necessary for a good cook. Generally when she does put a meal together it is a well rounded meal too: Rice, Fish, and vegetables, or Pasta and vegetables, or Chicken and potatoes, or other similar dishes. And even when something goes wrong she can get creative and pull it off. For instance when the lamb roast didn’t cook through she cut it up and finished the cutlets.

Whatever the meal is though – it is generally tasty. Even the stuff I normally don’t really like tastes good; I just may not be a fan of the dish. And many times I become a fan once she has cooked it. So it turns out that my wife is a fantastic cook, this of course is not why I married her, and if we were both working and living at home I assume we would trade cooking nights, but right now it is certainly a bonus. The only bummer of it is that it will soon be a thing in the past. I can probably count on one hand the number of home cooked meal left in our UK adventure as I finish my project work this week and head back to the states in two weeks. Then I be back to fending for myself for a few months. But that is ok. I will be happy to have her home whether she wants to cook or not!


ruzik said...

dude, i love reading you saying nice things about my cooking, but i am tired of this post, time for you to update your blog!!!

ruzik said...

baby, seriously, it's been over a month since your last blog...come on....get on top of it!!!!!!!!