Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well life has been interesting and I believe it will continue to become so probably for the next six months. So the ole ball and chain is working to make the chain a few thousand miles shorter for a time. She is going to be moving into to the apartment with me in England for the duration of my current project. Though please don’t tell anyone because then I would have to pay some pretty high taxes for her staying in the city. The UK is nutz about there taxes. I pay 130+ GDP a month in what they call council taxes. That is more than $260! RG was approved with a work permit through March of next year so she can come and go from the UK as she pleases. She was also approved for her I-130. This is the first step towards getting her back in the country. So the best case scenario is that she would be getting her immigration Visa before I move back to the states.

I am not too optimistic about the best case scenario though. After searching the internet high and low the only mention of a time frame was on the US Consultant’s website for Frankfurt Germany which stated that you should allow 5 months. That would be the second week of January. So we shall see. It has already been three weeks and we have not received any of the paperwork yet. So who knows what is going on inside the State Department. I do know that it was received at the State Department on August 14, 3 days after approval at the CIS. But the automated message just says to allow 6-8 weeks for the next step! Jeeze what is this a mail order, send it 10 cereal box tops, decoder ring or Bart Simpson Spy camera, no it is my wife. What a pain.

However if things go smoothly with a little help from online payments and Fed-Ex priority air we may get things moved on a little faster. Who knows.

Should we not get things moved faster then we will have new issues to deal with: RG having left her job and apartment in Russia and me going back to the states for my next work assignment. In that case we have only a few options. RG goes and lives with her parents in Taganrog (I think she would go crazy with in 3 weeks), possibly she could stay in England (though I know not were or how), I could get a new job in the UK (again not very likely as I would need to switch firms as my career would be stalled for not working in the states), or she may go live with her sister in Germany. I think the last option is the most likely. It should only be for a few weeks so hopefully the sister in law’s fiancĂ©e won’t mind so much. At any rate things are moving, hopefully a long and at a good clip and we will be having an even more interesting end to an interesting year.

1 comment:

ruzik said...

ok, a little lesson in french:
fiancee -- is a girl
finace (with just one "e") -- is a guy.

So, my sister would have a fiance.
But Igor would have a fiancee (my sister).

Just thought I would point that out :) BTW, I want more blogs!!!