Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Do do doo dooo do… I wonder if anyone else thinks of Doggie Hauser When Blogging

Ok so it is a weird title that takes up to much room on the screen. But I was watching How I met your mother the other night, as pretty funny show staring none other the Neil Patrick Harris. You know he is star due to the use of three names. Maybe I should start having people call me by my full name all then time, and not just when I pissed them off. Anyway I was thinking how different his character in this new show is to the character he played as a kid, Doogie Houser MD. You should remember the show about a kid struggling to grow up normal when he is so smart that he is a licensed doctor at only 14 years old. At the time it was pretty cutting edge to be using a computer for anything besides work and he used it to keep a journal. At the end of every show we would get a glimpse of his thoughts on an outdated text editor while some corny one note at a time music played. Well when I got to thinking about this I thought, you know that was basically blogging. Not quite in the form it is in today, and the character in show didn’t publish to the world knowingly but would a modern Doogie, most likely.

So I was wonder if anyone ever blogged while trying to mimic that tune in their head? I also wonder how many people actually kept journals on their computers. Seems like a hassle. I like to post to the web because I get random responses from people to my posts, and it allows my family and friends to keep up with what I am doing, or at least what craziness I have been thinking. I know a lot of people that still keep paper journals and write in them semi regularly. Do they ever hear the Doogie music while putting pen to paper? Doesn’t anyone out there even know what the heck I am talking about? I know the tv shows from the nineties are weird, but I always thought this one was an extra step into the ridiculous. Anyway that was just a random rant.

Now on to NPH’s latest gigs: I actually thought his roles in the Harrold and Kumar movies where hilarious. You didn’t see Fred Savage making those kind of moves to change his imagine. And this new role on How I Met Your Mother is absolutely hilarious. I am sure that it is classic because I already saw a Family Guy spoof of it. To bad the show has been on for a few seasons and I have only gotten to see it maybe a half dozen times. Interestingly enough they play it for like 2 hours a day on SkyTV in the UK. So I guess I will be able to catch up on NPH’s antics. Well I know it was an odd post so I just end it with – and that’s all I gotta say about that.

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