Monday, November 19, 2007

Airline Status may not always be a good thing!

Normally I am pretty glad that I have platinum status with the airlines. A lot of the time I get upgraded to first class. I have priority standby so I go to the front of the line when it comes to getting on a different flight. We also get a special call-in number to help us with issues. There is a lot more to it than that, you can go to NWA’s website and see all the benefits. Last year I flew over 120 flights, individual segments to qualify for status and this year I think I will do it by flying over 75,000 miles. That is a lot of butt time in an airline seat. I have to admit that I really do like flying first class when I get up graded, especially on longer flights.

But sometimes this can also be hazardous I think to one career. I know of four scenarios at my firm where being a Platinum status can get you into trouble, at least with jealous people. The first is if you travel with a client with out status. It never looks good when the person that eventually is paying your expenses (and hence wants them kept to a minimum) sees you flying first class all the time. If they do a lot of travel them understand and are used to it. But if it is not a regular part of the job they may not understand that you aren’t paying extra for the first class seat. And because the upgrade happens automatically there isn’t a lot you can do about it unless you want to call in and ask for a down grade, and then if coach is full it may not happen.

Similarly if you are flying with a manager that has lost his status or has lower status then you. They know the game, they know how it works, and generally they are a little upset that are no longer getting the benefits you are. In fact you getting the upgrade may be preventing them from getting an upgrade. So while they may just be teasing you about it being no big deal you may have to grow a pair of eyes on the back of your head. But most the time this creates a little humor in a group when all the junior staff are riding in the front and the manager is riding in the back.

Finally, and this is much more rare. I have heard of a time when a junior staff came to the gate after calling in to be put on standby, recognized two partners that were talking to the agents at the gate. And as he arrived he heard the agent say, oh sorry a Platinum member was just put on standby list – one of you isn’t going to make this flight. Then immediately called his name and handed him a boarding pass. Ergo, one of the partners didn’t get on the flight!

The finally scenario is the worst one to be in, the most dangerous one to be in – not just for your career but possibly for your life – that is when you have been upgraded on a trip going to or returning from a family function and you purchased your wife’s ticket with miles. When you get upgraded, she doesn’t. If you had purchased her ticket with money she would get upgraded. Now, when your sparky wife finds out that you have been upgraded she generally doesn’t give you many options. Either upgrade her, trade with her, or get yourself downgraded. Unlike clients, managers, or partners letting her fly in the back of the plane while you in the front would be an extremely risky proposition – and really SHOULD NOT be attempted. Ponying up the miles is really the best solution for all, though it may take a while to her them back. You still get to ride in first class, she is happy to be riding in first class (enjoying a little white zen) and you get to keep you life and all your body parts.

So while these tails are mostly humorist, most of us do not like being in any of these positions. Certainly they could be bad for client relationships, certainly they make a partner mad, but they could also ruin your home life.

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