Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I think there are too many holidays and Events

Well this is a post I’ve been meaning to get to all summer. I think it is going to be a reoccurring theme for a long while. As anyone can attest when you are newly wed everyone seems to want you around. This is nice, but it is also exhausting. Over the entire summer I can only count maybe 3 weekends where we did not have a holiday, a reunion, a kid’s play, a special gathering, or some other can not miss event. I don’t really think there are more of these events in general. I just think that we go to more of them and feel obligated to go to more of them. And since we now get hit up from both sides (both RG and myself have family and friends to deal with) the number of invites is increased.

So with traveling, trying to get a siding contractor (this is turning out to be a huge pain in @$$), and getting ready for RG to return to Moscow time is moving faster than I have ever experienced. I know my folks always talked about years flying by but, sheesh. Who knew? It is nice to see every one from time to time and to do all of these things, but I find myself longing for a month of weekends to just hang out and chill. I mean I got RG Roller Blades for her birthday and a Bike for X-mas and I think we have only gotten to take 1 or 2 bike rides and have yet to go rollerblading.

So basically I think there are too many things to do. In the next three weeks it isn’t any different and looking into September I have maybe 1 weekend free and all ready October is filling up!! Oh-well I guess it IS nice to be wanted. LOL.

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