Monday, March 5, 2007

Brackets: The Gateway Bet

So I was watching the local news in Milwaukee the other night and found out I may have a problem. I may have a BIG problem. In fact it’s a problem most people don’t even realize they may have. I may be addicted to gambling. At least according to this station’s investigative reporting I may be far along the path to becoming a man with a gambling problem. I didn’t even realize. The problem you see is very similar to that of drug addiction. You can start off with a seemingly harmless activity and it can lead to a more serious activity and beyond. An example of this can be seen in the well know fact that the government publishes, that is if you smoke a joint you will almost instantly become a crack, crank, or meth-head. Just because it isn’t very addicting and does very little damage the very act somehow commits you to doing harder and harder drugs. At least that what the government says even when their own panel doesn’t agree with that statement,

Luckily I never did do marijuana. But I am still in grave danger. You see I have from year to year placed a few “friendly” bets on the brackets. That right! I’ll admit it. Sometimes I partake in a little bit of the March Madness. Until the other night I didn’t realize the dire consequences of my actions. This very import Investigative report on the local news alerted me to the dangers I and many of my friends are in. It had Expert witnesses that proved to the viewer that playing the brackets WILL lead to a gambling problem. It will start out simply. A $5 bet here or there but soon I should expect to be finding my self in big problems owing loan sharks and charlatans my life. Owe if only I new sooner. According to the broadcast the rush I will get from betting on the game will diminish and I will need a larger and larger fix as time goes on. It is very common for people with my condition to find themselves inexplicitly drawn to casinos and poker games. Soon no bet will be enough. I can expect to lose friend, my job, my family - all because I like to fill out a couple of brackets a year. Again, just like doing drugs, even betting once can trigger addictive behavior.

I don’t know how I made it so long. I should probably seek out health. A couple of years I bet on the Vikings and for the past few years I have filled out brackets. After watching that very informative report, I will have to check out my own activities. Make sure I haven’t been sneaking away from work to bet or hiding money from myself to bet. I will have to run out and tell all my friends what danger they are in! Maybe I will have to check myself into a 12 step program. Maybe I should…..

What a bunch of BS. I have heard of slow news nights, but come on. What is this about playing the brackets ruining people’s lives? I think the “investigators” took a large leap to come to this conclusion. Most people I know spend $10-$20 a year doing brackets or fantasy Football. Not a single one of them has problems with loan sharks. Sometimes you wonder what the managing producer was thinking approving such a nonsensical story. I bet the camera man, the reporter, the producer, and the guy who cleans the floor at that station have pool going on. Oh well I guess I at least got a good laugh out of the idea.

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