Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Ha I’m that Old!

So there are more websites on the internet than can really be counted. This is due to the a. just the shear number of sites along with b. the fact they are constantly popping up and being taken down. Many of the sites out there are run by corporations such as Sony, Ford, or Coden that simply provide information on their products and possibly new software drivers and support. Others such as NWA offer you a portal to their services such as online check in and reservations. My favorite websites however are the ones that give you a survey, tell you some BS, and try to sell you something. Most of the time, these sites are just plain fun.

An example of such a site is eMode. A site that offers you IQ test, personality test, and just random junk like “What kind of rock star are you” and so on. At the end of the test the site tells you how smart you are, what your personality is, or that you are most like Steven Tyler from Aerosmith! Then they try to sell something. eMode isn’t bad they just try to get you to buy more in-depth tests or go to sponsored links. Other sites a lot of times will not give you the results of the exercise with out providing an eMail address (most likely so they can spam you, or at least sell you address to a spammer) or other personal information such as a contact number or address. Giving this information is definitely not worth the hassle of being solicited later on.

One of my favorite sites however is They are trying to sell you stuff. But at least they are front about it and don’t spam you. They are trying to sell diet pills, supplements, and other age defying drugs. But for fun you can find out how old you are in terms of you health. They take factors such as how often you work out, what kinds of food you eat, if your over weight, if you smoke, and so on with your age and calculate how old your actually are. It’s about a 5 or 6 page survey and I thought it was pretty fun; especially because I don’t do any of the high risk activities such as smoking.

So how old am I? Well my calculated REAL age was 5.8 years younger than my actual age! According to the test (when I took some months ago) I am only 22.1 years old! The funniest results I saw were from a guy who does all of the high risk activities, though he was only 24 his REAL age was over 40. Ha. Well if your board and want to burn up some time on the internet I would suggest taking the test yourself. Let me know how old you are.


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