Wednesday, September 13, 2006


If for some reason you hadn’t notice. My website isn’t quite all it used to be anymore. Unfortunately it is broken. You may ask, “but I’m on the site now how can it be down?”. Well that is true. But I can not upload new photo galleries and for a while the blog was down too. Then recently my whole site was down for the weekend. I know there are maybe 40 people who even know about the site, and maybe 4 that actually visit it even on a semi regular basis, but still I would like to keep it up and current. So I have cobbled it back together – barely – so at least the blog works again, the site is accessible again, and the old galleries are available.

The problem is I don’t know what the problem is. I think that it is one of two things. Either a Microsoft update made the freeware I am using out of date or the software can’t handle the size of the database of photos. There are more than 4000 decent sized photo’s already available. I thought about just installing a second gallery but I keep run into conflicts with the software. So that is probably out until I want to rebuild the whole server. This is going to happen but probably not until mid spring. I have one more Idea to try and get around the software problem but it will be weeks before I have time to try. So for now I guess I will just keep adding to the blog and looking for other solutions for the gallery.

I think about the time I rebuild the server I should also redesign the site a little. I am going to drop everything I think except the Galleries and Blog. At one time I thought it would be fun to add a message board. But let’s face it who would use it! So I will have to keep on the look out for clean and simple designs that I like. I haven’t updated the look for 3 years so there we go! Maybe by summer I can start adding more content too. We shall see.

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