Monday, August 8, 2005

Cats and the Beach

Finally. I have a cat free living space. It is wonderful. I can leave doors and windows open with out worrying about the dumb animals getting out. Now all I need to do is clean all of the cat hair off all the furniture, out of all the nooks and crannies, and anywhere else it lurks. This will probably take a few weeks. For now though I am in a good mood about them being gone. I don’t think I will ever live with an indoor cat again. I have decided pretty defiantly that at the least I don’t like cats at the most I hate them. Oh yeah and there owner also moved out with them so now for the next week or so I am the only one in my house. It’s kinda quite.

Now I need to get the house ready for KS to move in. If it stops raining I’ll go up on the roof and put in a vent for a fan in the bathroom. I’ve only been putting off for five years. I also need to clean that room up and maybe touch paint up. No biggie the paint held up pretty well over the last couple of years. Now that the cats are gone I finally poly some of the woodwork I finished restoring a few weeks ago with out worrying about them stepping or climbing in it. That will be nice I need to finish the rework on the stairs before winter so I can seal the windows. I read today natural gas is going to be through the roof today so I’m going to need to find everyway possible to save energy.

Work is very different this week. They use two different terms for what my fellow new hires and I doing in the office right now. The first term they use to describe our status is being on the bench this term implies that we are anxiously awaiting our turn to get out there and get some billable hours in. The second term used for the same status – this term is used more often – is that we are on the beach this term implies that we are just relaxing in the sun with out many worries. Interestingly enough both of these terms explain the situation quite nicely when looking at the situation. I finished training last week in Chicago and flew home. I came into the office around 8:30a on Monday – though no one set this time it just seemed right – and have been just doing very light administrative work and online trainings all week. There is no one to report to and no one is checking up on us. So we are taking it pretty easy, however everyone is really anxious and some are attempting to get work. If this goes on much longer I think I will ask for some proposal work so I have something more productive to do! Ahh what a crazy job.

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