Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My first post

Well this is actually my second post.. But since this is new software I lost the first draft so here we go again.

This is the first (second really) post on my new blog. This blog is just going to contain random thoughts and information on what ever I've been up too. This is actually the second blog I plan to keep, but the first is anonymous and is going to contain my experiences at work. I don't want it to contain my identity because I don't want to risk getting fired if I type something I shouldn't! The author of this blog should be fairly obvious because of the URL that hosts it. LOL.

This blog is using new software that I am trying out and the id second of three upgrades to my webpage this summer. The first being new gallery software. While the final upgrade will hopefully be a forum for people to create conversation strings.

So what have I been up to. Well my student job expired two weeks after the end of the semester. Since then I went on a rafting trip in the Grand Canyon (the photo's are in the gallery) with my brother, sister, and dad. It was a blast. The other three or four weeks I have been working on my house, taking care of personal business, and just hanging around. I find it a little weird to have so little I have to do, but keep really busy anyway.

Well that's all I have to really talk about today so check back later.

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